Exit Your Business With Purpose

Exit Your Business With Purpose

You feeling the heat out there, yet? Wow... It's summer time and travel time. I'm up in good ole Pennsylvania as I write to you this morning.
Travel Sports - LAX Tournament
Whatever your summer looks like and wherever life takes you, I wish you a wonderful few months. It goes fast. Enjoy!
If you're new here, this is my weekly newsletter where I reflect on the lessons, events, and inside scoop of being a husband, dad, and business builder...
In Today's Blog:
Weekly Wins/Lessons/Thoughts from the week:
  • • I’m reading this book called, “Canoeing the Mountains” and one of the premises is Leading in this #NewTomorrow that we actually live in today. Very interesting – I’ll share more as I read.
  • • I continue to believe that the people we surround ourselves with, shape our future trajectory. Find the people that motivate, energize, and grow YOU.
  • • When life gets HARD, as it will, always remember that all we are called to do is focus on today. Not the past and not the future. You can’t control either. And, if you get down to it deep, you can’t control much of today except how you show up, your attitude, and your actions. Makes life really simple if you think of it this way…
Exit With a Purpose: Lessons Learned From Multiple Exits
I've been blessed to exit multiple companies. At 36 years old, I thought I was retired. I was deadly wrong and inexperienced. Here's what I've learned over the last decade that will help you save years of feeling like you're in a washing machine turning over and over.
Here's the premise - when you exit or as you plan to exit your business, consider the five (5) points - again, this is just my experience - others will have their perspective and I encourage you to treat this just a one dude's data point.
  • • Embrace Inactivity: I crashed and burned on this one cause I didn’t have a plan. I chased 1,000 rabbits, as they same. Any idea = good idea. That’s the wrong philosophy.
  • • Value Non-Business Activities: I actually did ok here, by accident. I became a triathlon enthusiast and spent 7 years living my best life and pushing boundries I never thought possible. Good example of whatever we focus on, we achieve.
  • • Avoid Consulting: I only say this so you don’t get trapped in your past and you’re able to explore your curiosities and find your superpower.
  • • Reject Productivity Pressure: Efficiency, effectiveness, moving needles, etc, etc are stuff I talk about all week in terms of building businesses. That’s good – there. But, after you exit, it’s time to REPURPOSE (not retire) and follow your passions.
  • • Explore Your Curiosity: What are you passionate about? Double click on that and let your mind wonder as you learn everything you can… Enjoy this phase.
This all sounds simple, but its quite hard as a passionate, driven, entrepreneur that I'm sure you are.

Knowledge, preparation, and planning are 90% of the battle... 

Weekly Take-Away: 👉 Testing YouTube - Some Initial Thoughts 👈
I filmed a short form video for one of our companies and it blew up on TikTok. Full disclosure, I am NOT an influencer. My circle of influence is YOU. But, this video got over 57k views and 250 hours of total play time. Most importantly, it resulted in many quotes for the company.
So, I doubled down on video and I think YouTube is the place to focus, for now. If you want more content on stuff like this, follow me over there too. Working to post a daily short and daily long form video. Slowing growing over there and having some fun testing new ideas.
I think with the noisy-ness of social media and the influx of AI, true human connection will be the differentiator and how can we have connections without a bigger network... (that's my thesis).
Thank you for being here this week.
More travel on the docket for the next few weeks, so should continue to be an exciting month. NYC - PA - FL - AL --> July

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