A Beginner’s Mindset

Welp... We did it... We graduated our first born and now's she in the wild word of new chapters... But, this morning I got in a short workout and the thought of "a beginner's mindset" came to mind.

I thought it was applicable to those launching, building, and growing businesses. So, today's about last week, but also about A BEGINNER'S MINDSET.

In Today's Blog:

Weekly Wins:

Weekly Lessons:

A Beginner's Mindset

As a founder and entrepreneur for over 17 years, I've learned a ton of lessons through many phases of the business life cycle. But, I'm finding that whether its my first time or tenth time, if I maintain a "beginner's mindset" then I am open minded, curious, and excited about the future possibilities.

Launching Your Business:

Building Your Business:

Growing / Scaling Your Business:

Exiting Your Business:

These are just some hot takes, but the major point is to stay open minded, curious, and most importantly --> CONNECTED.

People & Relationships are what makes this journey so fun...


Weekly Take-Away: New Chapters

I enjoy sharing the journey on social media because I meet so many wonderful people.

We are built to be in relationship… I’m 100% certain about that.

But, just like Venture Building, we all have new chapters with people, businesses, life, family, etc.

I heard the concept of “new chapters” put really well this week 👇

When we are reading a good book and near the end of the chapter, we may be sad this part is ending…


Aren’t we also very excited for the next chapter?

May your week be filled with joy, peace, fulfillment, and excitement no matter where you are on this journey.

See you next week tribe.

If you’re looking for more stuff like this, follow me on all social media at AndySmithLife.

If you’re looking to join an entrepreneurial community BUILDING WITH PURPOSE, reach out.

If you’re an entrepreneur looking for a partner, check out our Venture Building Firm, BlackSmith Ventures.

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